James Duffy

James Duffy, Senior Assay Development Scientist, Method Development & Validation

James Duffy has worked for Labcorp for 14 years, with his time split over periods in small molecule LC-MS bioanalysis and large molecule biopharmaceutical CMC solutions. In his current role, as a manager of a team of research and development scientists within the mass spectrometry development team, James specializes in LC-MS glycan analysis. This includes developing workflows for the characterization of N-glycan profiles for a range of mAbs and fusion proteins, as well as characterizing O-glycan via middle-up LC-MS analysis.

Additionally, James has vast experience in other LC-MS biopharmaceutical characterization methods such as intact mass, middle-up analysis and peptide mapping. Recently, James completed his Labcorp-sponsored MSc (biopharmaceutical development) at the University of Leeds.

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